travel united states oregon newport port docks
Where the Yaquina River meets the Pacific it forms Yaquina Bay, an active fishing and recreational port."
Here you can find fishing boats that ply the Pacific for salmon, crab, shrimp, halibut, and an assortment of rock fish.
The Newport area is also the home to many fishermen who seasonally fish Alaskan waters.
TRAVEL: Often... we live 25 miles south of here.

This location has earned a four star (very good) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Boat docks, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Fishing boats along the docks, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Boat, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Boat, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Boat, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Boat, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Aging fishing boat, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Crab pot along the docks, Yaquina Bay, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2009.

Port docks at night during low tide with the Yaquina Bay Bridge in background, Old Town, Newport, Oregon, 2015.
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised may 2020